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MP3 IS NOW AVAILABLE! :D Credits to marshalsims for making the mp3 for me!!
YAYYYYY!!! I love this song. I may not like the whole anime dancing and crap (I think it’s freaky..), but I definitely love the music. I loved it so much that I asked one of my YouTube friends to make me a ringtone out of it, and I still have it as my ringtone to this day. :) Thanks, Justin!
I also have to thank Philip Walker — without his sheet music, I probably would’ve been too lazy to make a video of this song. :)
There was only one BIG issue that I faced while I was recording this. I loved this song so much that I wanted as close to perfect as possible. I would not even accept one tiny mistake. Sure, I can learn a song by playing it a few times, but if I really want to get it perfectly, it takes