Thubna Fi Hawak | ذُبنَا في هواك | The Harmony Band | Official Lyrics Video

New Song By The Harmony Band Thubna fi Hawak ذبنا في هواك يا رسول الله Lyrics by Rami Treiki Composed & Arranged by Karim Massaad Performed by May Joumaa أنا كُلّي فِداكَ ~ فمن فينا كَمَاكَ رسولَ اللهِ قلبي ~ نزيلٌ في حِماكَ إذا ما العيشُ مَرَّ ~ وَعُمري فيهِ مَرَّ فأمسى الدَّمعُ جَمرا ~ شِفا روحي هُداكَ عَلَيكَ اللهُ صلّى ~ أيا مَنْ طِبتَ أصلا ففاضَ الجودُ نَسلا ~ وذُبنا في هواكَ .. بِلَيلاتِ البلايا ~ كَوى الشّوقُ الحنايا وأَبكَتني حَكايا ~ رِفاقي في حِماكْ متى أدنو فألقى ~ بِرَوضِ الأُنسِ رِفقا عليَّ البُعدُ شَقَّ ~ فَهَبْ قَلبي لِقاكَ أَبا الزّهراءِ كُنْ لي ~ شَفيعًا زادَ حِملي رَصَفتُ الشّعرَ علّي ~ بأحلامي أراكَ English: I would sacrifice my soul for you - For none of us is like you O Messenger of Allāh, you are the love of my heart - I have come to your city of sanctuary As the days pass - and my life moves forward And when tears become bitter - Your guidance is a remedy for my soul Allāh Has raised your rank - You are a descendant of pure lineage From this lineage, your generosity emerged - We, therefore, became overwhelmed with your love In nights of severe hardships - I am overcome by the longing for you I shed tears when listening - to stories narrated in al-Madīnah by my friends When will I attain closeness to - Your Rawḍah of serenity, and find peace The far distances have distressed me - So grant my heart the joy of seeing you O Father of Az-Zahrā’ I beseech you, in the midst of my hardship - To intercede on my behalf I have composed these verses of poetry - Perhaps I might see you in my dreams #theharmonyband
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