Henrik Svensmark: The Influence of Cosmic Rays on Climate

9th International Climate and Energy Conference, Essen, December 2015. Svensmark, Danish National Space Centre, talks about the influence of cosmic rays on climate and presents the latest findings and their importance for understanding climate change. He shows that solar activity and cosmic rays strongly influence the climate on Earth, especially through cloud formation. _. _. _ Do you want to support the work of EIKE? You can do so easily with Paypal: or Bank: Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie, Volksbank Gera Jena Rudolstadt, IBAN: DE34 8309 4454 0042 4292 01, BIC: GENODEF1RUJ Please also leave us a thumbs-up and subscribe us with bell! By doing so, you will help us to be suggested more often in search engines and on Youtube.
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