[Etno-Ritim “Romania“] Old Lady from Gălăuţaş - Traditional Folk Song

[Etno-Ritim “Romania“] Old Lady from Gălăuţaş - Traditional Folk Song Lyrics: || : Cine m-aude cântând, : || || : Zâce că n-am niciun gand. : || || : Eu nu cânt că știu cânta, : || || : Da-mi potolesc inima : || || : Cine-aude a me guriță, : || || : Poate știi că n-am bădiță : || || : Poate știi după cântat, : || || : C-am avut și m-o lăsat. : || Meaning: Those who hear me singing, Say that it’s not about anything in particular. I don’t sing [just] because I can, But I sing to appease my heart. Those that hear my voice, Know I haven’t got a sweetheart, Though they may know from my song That I’ve had one and he left me. (Draupadi’s song in my Hungarian-Romanian folklore compilation Carpathian Kurukshetra, in the disrobe scene.) Fragment from “Etno-Ritim“, a docum
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