Lifeboat Defies Fire (1963)

Item title reads - Lifeboat defies fire. Pinewood Film Studios, Buckinghamshire. M/S new lifeboat made by Bristol Aeroplane Plastics Limited in the artificial lake at Pinewood Studios. M/S men working on the lifeboat. L/S lifeboat. C/U sign ’No Smoking’. M/S tankers pumping kerosene into the lake. C/U of the kerosene. L/S men pouring petrol into the lake for ignition. M/S men watching. L/S as the petrol ignites and starts to spread. Pan across half of the lake burning. L/S as the lifeboat goes into the flames and comes out at the side nearest the camera. M/S crowd watching. M/S as the lifeboat goes into the flames again. C/U of the flames roaring up. M/S firemen playing hoses onto the sides of the tank and the ground around it. L/S flames roaring in the tank. L/S crowd. The flames are extinguished and the firemen direct the hoses onto the lifeboat as it goes past. M/S crowd. C/U top of the lifeboat split by the heat. C/U burnt domed tower. M/S workmen opening the side doors of the boat, a lot of
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