Gepard-Class Frigates (Project-11661) for Russian Navy
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The Russian Gepard-class frigates (Project 1166.1) is a class of frigates that were intended as successors to the earlier Koni-class frigates and Grisha, and Parchim-class corvettes. The first unit of the class, Yastreb (Hawk), was laid down at the Zelenodol’sk Zavod shipyard at Tatarstan in 1991. She was launched in July 1993, after which she began fitting out; fitting was nearly completed by late 1995, when it was suspended due to lack of funds. Renamed Tatarstan (), the ship was finally completed in July 2002, and became the flagship of the Caspian Flotilla. She has two sister ships, Albatross (renamed Dagestan ()), and Burevestnik (Storm Petrel), which was still under construction as of 2012. In October 2015, Dagestan, in company with three other Russian Navy ships serving with the Caspian Flotilla, launched cruise missiles at targets in Syria. The missiles flew nearly 1,500 kilometres (930 mi) over Iran and Iraq and struck targets in Raqqa and Aleppo provinces (controlled by the Islamic State) as well as Idlib province (controlled by the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front). Peshmerga forces (Kurdish armed forces located in northern Iraq) published a video allegedly depicting two cruise missiles mid-flight en route to Syria.
Export: The Gepard class was designed from the outset as a lightweight, inexpensive export vessel. The Russians have offered five variants for foreign sale. The Vietnam People’s Navy received in March and August 2011 two Gepard frigates ordered in 2006, built in Russia at Tatarstan’s Gorky Shipbuilding Plant. As of 2012 Vietnam was examining a purchase of two more, possibly built in Vietnam under license. In late 2011 Vietnam signed a contract for an additional batch of two ships in an anti-submarine version. A further two ships were ordered in 2014 to bring the total order up to six vessels. Sri Lanka began talks for the credit purchase of a Gepard 5.1 frigate in 2017 and the Sri Lankan cabinet approved the proposal by President Maithripala Sirisena for the purchase of the ship in September 2017.
Сторожевые корабли проекта 11661 «Гепард» — серия советских и российских многоцелевых сторожевых кораблей с управляемым ракетным вооружением ближней морской зоны — по кодификации НАТО — Gepard-class frigates. Относятся к кораблям 2-го ранга. Корабли этого проекта строятся на Зеленодольском заводе имени А. М. Горького с 1990 года. Головной корабль — «Татарстан». На 2017 год построено два корабля для ВМФ России и продолжается строительство кораблей для ВМС Вьетнама. Корабли предназначены для выполнения комплекса задач: поиска и борьбы с подводными, надводными и воздушными целями, несения дозорной службы, проведения конвойных операций, а также охраны морской экономической зоны. Оснащён артиллерийским, противокорабельным, зенитным и противолодочным вооружением.
Боевое применение: В ходе военной операции России в Сирии, в ночь на 7 октября 2015 года, РК «Дагестан» произвёл пуски ракет «Калибр НК» из акватории Каспийского моря по заводам снарядов и взрывчатых устройств; командным пунктам; складам боеприпасов, вооружения и горюче-смазочных материалов, а также лагерю подготовки боевиков запрещённого в России Исламского государства. Боевые пуски произвели также ракетные корабли проекта 21631 «Великий Устюг», «Град Свияжск» и «Углич».
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Gepard-Class Frigates (Project-11661) for Russian Navy