Moranbong Band full concert - For the participants of the 9th National Artists’ Congress

제9차 전국예술인대회 참가자들을 위한 - 모란봉악단 축하공연 For the participants of the 9th National Artists’ Congress - A celebratory performance by the Moranbong Band Recorded: 2014-05-20 Mokran Video, DPRK At the previously TV aired concert the original string quartet was still intact but here the on-stage leader Sonu Hyang-hui had disappeared. She was however present at the conference but did not give a speech. Instead Cha Yong-mi had to take on that responsibility and she is also acting as first violinist during this performance. What had happened to Sonu Hyang-hui is not known but perhaps she had simply been working too hard during the band’s first two years and needed some time off? After a short visit in Sept. 2014 she reappeared in 2017, full of energy. Singer Ra Yu-mi had recently been awarded the title “merited artiste“ wh
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