RK3588 vs N100 Mini-ITX Builds (featuring Ubuntu )
RK3588 (Rock 5 ITX) vs N100 (ASRock N100DC-ITX) mini-ITX PCs compared, including tests using Sysbench, glmark2, hdparm, GIMP, Kdenlive, Web Basemark, YouTube, and a power meter.
The video in which I built the Arm RK3588 Rock 5 ITX system is here:
The video in which I built the N100 ASRock N100DC-ITX system is here:
And I also have a review of Ubuntu here:
Ubuntu for the N100 (x86) system was downloaded from:
The Ubuntu Rockchip project from Joshua Riek, where I obtained the Ubuntu image for the N100 system, is available at:
glmark2 has a website at:
GIMP is available here:
Kdenlive is available here:
Web Basemark can be run at:
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7 months ago 00:19:44 1
RK3588 vs N100 Mini-ITX Builds (featuring Ubuntu )