犬夜叉 Inuyasha/To Love’s End 時代を越える想い(尺八、ヴィオラ、ピアノカバー) (shakuhachi / Viola / Piano cover)

「半妖の夜叉姫」が放送開始ということで、映画のテーマ曲にもなった「時代《とき》を越える想い」(アニメでは「ふたりの気持ち」)をカバーしました。 今回は初のヴィオラとコラボ This time, we covered the world-famous Japanese anime “Inuyasha“ with shakuhachi, viola and piano. This song was used in the movie released in 2001. ⭐️Please like and subscribe⭐️ 是っ非ともチャンネル登録お願いします→ 🎵Download or Stream this Song(配信、ダウンロード)🎵 Instagram・インスタグラム► Website・ホームページ► Contact Us・お問い合わせ►shakuhappy@ A song written by Kaoru Wada Arrangement written by Yosuke Kishibe Orchestra sound arrangement written by Yuya Katsumata, Nanae Hori Performed by Katsu : Shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo flute) Nanae Hori : Viola Yosuke Kishibe : Piano 【What’s Ensemble Japan?】 We are Japanese. Ensemble Japan is a group of Japanese musical instruments and various musical instruments and people collaborating. Our dream is to spread the sound of Japan to the you enj
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