35 BPM * Inner Sanctuary 🎧 Bilateral Stimulation Music & 7 Hz Theta Wave for Anxiety, Stress, Peace

This is a bilateral stimulation music session for anxiety, stress, PTSD, meditation and insomnia. The session has a bilateral beat running at around 35 BPM for one hour. There’s a 7 Hz binaural theta wave playing throughout the piece for an enhanced meditative state. Bilateral stimulation is to the process of alternately stimulating the left and right sides of the brain, with the objective of fostering better inter-hemispheric communication. This is often achieved through techniques such as eye movements, sounds, or tactile stimulation in a rhythmic left-right pattern. Research has suggested that bilateral stimulation can have a range of positive effects, notably in the context of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, a recognized treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. By enabling the brain to reprocess traumatic memories, bilateral stimulation can decrease the intensity of negative emotions and potentially lead to reduced anxiety, improved focus, and increased emotio
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