ACRYLIC COW! Black and White Painting with GLAZE of Color! By: Annie Troe

“Sunflower“ the Cow 🐄 Paint with me, TRACEABLE available! Paint it with only Black & White paint or glaze some color at the end. Up to you! ENJOY 🎨🤗 - Thank you all for your support 🙏💕 SCROLL down a bit, click the “On the FARM“ tab. . Like this video? Buy me a tube of paint - Thank YOU for your support! or *** Set up a traceable for the SHORT time lapse Black and White cow video “Trouble“ *** Daisy the Goat with Traceable *** Hippie Hair Cow - 3 colors - with traceable (suggest painting it 8x10“ to make it easier) FUN STUFF Single TRACEABLES Scroll down a bit for traceables by subject Traceables BOOKLET https:
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