The Bohemian composer Julius Schulhoff (originally Šulhov) (1825-98) studied at the Prague Conservatory (a fellow pupil was Wilhelm Kuhe, who achieved fame as a salon composer in the UK). His ’big break’ was getting an introduction to Chopin in the 1840s, and becoming his protégé. He became a popular pianist and teacher in Paris (he taught composition to Lalo), but took time out for extensive tours of Europe. He moved to Dresden in 1870. Schulhoff was famous for his projection of a singing tone on the piano, and as such had great influence on Theodor Leschetizky and Anton Rubinstein. He was th
...e great-uncle of the (today) far better-known composer and Holocaust victim Erwin Schulhoff. Julius Schulhoff’s music often uses similar forms to that of Chopin and is very melodic. Although generally not black with notes, his scores sometimes demand awkward leaps and hand-crossings - but not this one. This charming miniature - closer to Field than Chopin - was dedicated to Madame Lucile Cartier - whether she was a member of the jeweller family I am not sure.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Played by Phillip Sear
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