MSI w/ Azael, Raz & Vedius | EUphoria Season 3 Episode 14
Drakos and Froskurinn invite Azael, Raz and Vedius to talk about MSI. Timestamps in the YouTube description below.
0:30 Bet updates
1:24 Europe w/ Vedius
- 2:35 Is G2 the strongest team
- 4:36 Playing to the limits
- 6:06 Faith in Europe
- 7:11 The 51%
- 8:47 Weakness of G2
- 10:45 G2 Botlane
- 11:14 Individual vs. Team
- 14:51 How to prep against G2
- 17:14 Hiding strategies
- 18:05 G2’s strength is Bo1
- 20:25 Thoughts on Korea
- 25:32 G2 vs. SKT
- 27:20 Mikyx & Perkz
- 27:50 Jankos
- 29:33 T