★) Title: Last Wind
★) Circle: FELT
★) Vocals: 舞花 (Maika)
★) Lyrics: 美歌 (Mika)
★) Arrangement: NAGI☆
★) Album: Last Wink
★) Original by ZUN:
東方緋想天 〜 Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
Aya Shameimaru’s Theme
Wind God Girl
★) Event: コミックマーケット97 (Comiket 97) (C97)
★) Release Date: 31st December 2019
★) Site:
★) Illust: AO
★) HD Version from the special contents:
★) Stock footages:
★) Translation: Nazohato
Again, I think I edited a bit too much on this one haha.
(As you guys know I really like Maika when she sings higher notes, so her “tamerawanaide“ is just everything for me lol. Although her “toorinuketa amai kaze“ is still the best!)
Much thanks to Nazohato for the English translation and ゑ藤 for helping me out~!
FELT is love, FELT is life!
―貫いていた想いが 途切れそうで折れそうになったら