
\ 13:25 Associativity and Unary Operators 26:44 Infix to Postfix using Stack Method 1 33:50 Infix to Postfix using Stack Method 2 37:11 Program for Infix to Postfix Conversion 45:45 Let’s Code Infix to Postfix Conversion 54:45 Student Challenge_ Infix to Postfix with Associativity and Parenthesis 1:04:16 Evaluation of Postfix Expression 1:14:16 Program for Evaluation of Postfix 1:22:06 Let’s Code Evaluation of Postfix \ 1:27:16 Queue ADT 1:31:49 Queue using Single Pointer 1:35:35 Queue using Two Pointers 1:43:21 Implementing Queue using Array 1:52:01 Let’s Code Queue using Array 1:58:35 Let’s Code Queue in C 2:04:33 Drawback of Queue using Array 2:09:03 Circular Queue 2:19:57 Let’s Code Circular Queue 2:23:11 Queue using Linked List 2:30:54 Let’s Code Queue using Linked List 2:36:23 Double Ended Queue DEQUEUE 2:41:32 Priority Queues 2:52:47 Queue using 2 Stacks \ 2:59:31 Terminology 3:10:55 Number of Binary Trees using N Nodes 3:23:26 Height vs Nodes in Binary Tree 3:36:13 Internal Nodes vs External Nodes in Binary Tree 3:39:34 Strict Binary Tree 3:41:56 Height vs Node of Strict Binary Tree 3:45:50 Internal vs External Nodes of Strict Binary Trees 3:47:16 n-ary Trees 3:53:27 Analysis of n-Ary Trees 4:01:43 Representation of Binary Tree 4:07:03 Linked Representation of Binary Tree 4:10:33 Full vs Complete Binary Tree 4:16:30 Strict vs Complete Binary Tree 4:20:43 Binary Tree Traversals 4:29:45 Binary Tree Traversal Easy Method 1 4:32:35 Binary Tree Traversal Easy Method 2 4:36:00 Binary Tree Traversal Easy Method 3 4:40:24 Creating Binary Tree 4:48:13 Program to Create Binary Tree 4:52:26 Let’s Code Creating Binary Tree 5:05:43 Let’s Code Creating Binary Tree in C 5:29:17 Preorder Tree Traversal 5:42:08 Inorder Tree Traversals Functions 5:52:09 Iterative Preorder 6:01:49 Iterative Inorder 6:11:09 Let’s Code Iterative Traversals 6:16:38 Level Order Traversal 6:22:59 Let’s Code Level Order Traversal 6:26:40 Can we Generate Tree from Traversals 6:33:08 Generating Tree from Traversals 6:40:23 Height and Count of Binary Tree 6:49:52 Let’s Code Height and Count 6:53:08 Student Challenge _ Count Leaf Nodes of a Binary Tree Search Trees\ 7:03:41 BST intro 7:09:03 Searching in a Binary Search Tree 7:18:59 Inserting in a Binary Search Tree 7:25:38 Recursive Insert in Binary Search Tree 7:32:17 Creating a Binary Search Tree 7:35:04 Let’s code Binary Search Tree 7:49:04 Deleting from Binary Search Tree 7:59:12 Let’s Code Recursive Insert and Delete on BST 8:18:31 Generating BST from Preorder 8:27:29 Program for Generating BST from Preorder 8:33:46 Drawbacks of Binary Search Tree Trees\ 8:38:26 Introduction to AVL Trees 8:44:32 Inserting in AVL with Rotations 8:59:15 General form of AVL Rotations 9:12:49 Let’s Code LL Rotation on AVL 9:31:19 Let’s Code LR Rotation on AVL 9:36:42 Generating AVL Tree 9:49:30 Deletion from AVL Tree with Rotations 9:57:30 Height Analysis of AVL Trees Trees\ 10:10:00 2-3 Trees 10:44:22 2-3-4 Trees 10:57:45 Re-Black Trees Introduction 11:02:59 Red-Black Tree creation 11:25:53 Red-Black Trees vs 2-3-4 Trees 11:30:55 Creating Red-Black Tree similar to Creating 2-3-4 Tree 11:42:22 Red-Black Tree Deletion Cases 11:57:16 Red-Black Tree Deletion Examples
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