Kookaburras sharing food and making lots of noise. Daffy was very excited that she caught a lizard!
0:00 Daffy flew over with a skink/lizard and was very excited about it!
0:42 BB completely knocked the camera out of my hand!
1:05 Adult kookaburras sharing food!
Adult kookaburras sharing food and making lots of noise. Daffy was very excited that she caught a lizard!
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50% of the funds will be donated to various wildlife charities and the other 50% will go towards production costs of future videos allowing me to create higher quality videos showcasing a wider range of Australian animals.
We’ve donated $100 to Wildlife Victoria, $100 to North Queensland Wildlife, $200 to rare genetic diseases $728 donated from our amazing fans.
Please check with your local wildlife experts before offering any food to the native wildlife in you
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Kookaburras sharing food and making lots of noise. Daffy was very excited that she caught a lizard!