“Dolfin (Rizzo Techno Melodic) Gianni Parrini, DjPool75 _ Present Live@Gatto e La Volpe, Ferrara
Ciao cari amici, sono lieto di condividere con voi questo magico video di Dolfin, realizzato alla Discoteca Madam di Ferrara, evento storico del Gatto e La Volpe. Questa produzione della Humanity Liberation Digital Label, è stata realizza dal trio, Parrinidj,Pool75dj,RizzoDj, questa che state ascoltando è la versione Techno Melodic remix del grandioso dj producer Rizzodj... se vi piace la potete acquistare con le 3 tracce meravigliose su Beatport, buona visione del video su Parrini , his name is synonymous with music . It’ been a pioneer and an integral part of the Italian Electronic dance music , achieving success in the best Clubs Italian , Swiss and French , cultivating a steady career in the best nights of DJs from all over Europe .
Gianni Parrini is not a name that is not so easily forgotten after 33 years in the music world, and with 40,000 vinyl records (from 1960 to 2011) and more than 5,000 assets evenings in nightclubs ’ s most important Europe , charismatic and “creative cult .“
Gianni Parrini creates a new vision of how to live music, comes the “ 432HzParriniRecords “ a new digital label which aims to spread the Natural Tuning has 432 hz has many people as possible , to make the music free is consistent with the natural harmonics . In this way, the performance and listening to music so granted becomes a powerful medium that acts as scientific data have shown up at the cellular level is DNA , positively influencing the level somatopsychic people , leading them to health is balance . Natural frequencies of the tuning produces beneficial spreading into the surrounding wellness and harmony.
All the music world vibrate and all private hospitals are public transmit music to 432 hz . Experience is Vibrate in harmony with the universe.
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“Dolfin (Rizzo Techno Melodic) Gianni Parrini, DjPool75 _ Present Live@Gatto e La Volpe, Ferrara