Estonias bow visor was blown off.

The JAIC:s explanation 1997 on what caused the sinking of Estonia is fundamentally wrong. The loss of the visor was caused by explosive force. The Fokus Estonias first “special“ episode present photoevidence, photogrammetric pictures and metallurgic analysis to prove this. In coming episodes we will present more material and analysis of the damages caused by the explosions. The best is yet to come! Fokus Estonia is an independent research group in Sweden. The goal is to bring about a new independent and transparent investigation of the sinking of Estonia and the death of 852 people. A new investigation should be conducted without the leadership of Sweden, Estonia or Finland. If you support this, please share it, like it and subscribe! Swedish support can be swished to 123 296 11 42 100% goes to advertising on social media. 0% to salary or production. Thank You!
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