Wyrmwoods - No Sun Nor Moon (Full album)

Track list: 1. Where Was a Worm Before 00:00 2. Year of Dearth 03:23 3. Raged With Curses and Sparkles of Fury 09:44 4. Mother of Maladies 14:53 5. Woe and Wailing 18:42 6. Oberon’s Forests 21:14 7. Over the Disorganized Immortal 25:52 8. Deeper Labyrinths of the Mind 27:39 9. Shadows of Our Past and Future 34:36 No Sun Nor Moon album by Finnish Avantgarde Metal band Wyrmwoods! Released on November 4th 2022 by Inverse Records. Listen to the album also on other streaming services: Line-up: Nuurag-Vaarn - Everything Links: #wyrmwoods #avantgardemetal #inverserecords #nosunnormoon #blackmetal #finnishmetal
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