Residents began to leave their homes! Night eruption of Popocatepetl volcano

News about natural disasters every day. June 22 disaster. Direct live news about bad weather. The pain of the Earth will cleanse the Planet of humanity. In the world for a day about the harsh nature. In this video, we’ll be sharing the latest news about the Popocatepetl volcano eruption. Residents have begun to leave their homes as the volcano continues to erupt today. Watch this video to see what you need to know about the eruption and how you can stay safe! As the eruption continues, be sure to check our website for updates on the Popocatepetl volcano. This is a breaking news video, so be sure to check back frequently for the latest information. In the meantime, please follow our social media pages for updates on the eruption. You can find our Facebook page here, and our Twitter account here. #news #volcano #weather #popocatepetl #earthquake #today #live #storm #popocatepetlvolcanoeruptiontoday #mexico #eruption #popocatepetleruption #flood
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