Angie Sanda collab. Selah Sue - Raggamuffin @devyatsot

Коллаборация вместе с Энджи Санда ! Наша хорошая подруга с острова Флорес Индонезия ( кстати у нее на родине обитают 7 метровые комодские драконы О_О ) Респект тебе девочка ! ты супер))) This song made very deep impression on us, Angie Sanda​ girl, you are so talented! We want to share our gift from Bali to all our friends, guys this beautiful world singer our sister is singing for you, everybody peace and love! special thanks to Elena Sova​ for great cam Black magic cinema cam and to our best pilot Роман Колпаков​ for aeroshoots YO! Everybody who sings or makes great arts - welcome to Devyatsot we are open for art collaborations, be yourself and #RULEYOURJAM #devyatsot #angiesanda #art #bali #filmmaking #song #singer #reggae #vocal #talented #videomakers #musicvideo Raggamuffin Selah Sue
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