Kringa - Ablution

KRINGA - All Stillborn Fires, Lick my Heart! “KRINGA RETURNS! ‘All Stillborn Fires, Lick my Heart!’ is truly a ride of ups and downs, a journey of lunacy, unpredictable, diverse and grand in its simplicity; classic Kringa in other words. Although nothing new under the black sun, the band has taken everything just a step further, naturally after 13 years of existence. Dare I say this is their best work to date? I do. And I will! Layered with manic riffing, howls and screams, intensity and viciousness, the album takes you to places you dared not dream even existed. Take as needed for the pain... and play loud, let the savagery compel you!” New album will be available on Tour, January 2023! Info: A Thousand Lost Civilizations Presents: Misþyrming, Kringa, Ritual Death and Nubivagant, January 2023! Tour dates: 05/01 Leiden (NL), Gebr De Nobel 06/01 Oberhausen (D), Helvete 07/01 Kassel (D), Goldgrube 08/01 Dresden (D), Chemiefabrik 09/01 Kraków (PL), Kamienna12 10/01 Bratislava (SK), Randal 11/01 Linz (A), Kapu 12/01 Aarburg (SWI), Musigburg 13/01 Paris (F), Backstage BTM 14/01 Brussels (B), Magasin4 Official release: February 2023 through Terratur Possessions exclusively. Worldwide distribution by Ván Records. Photos: Void Revelations. Clip: Necrolust Productions
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