Valentin Huedo @ historic hotel Podgorica for Fešta

Ibiza legend Valentin Huedo performing at historic hotel Podgorica’s terrace in Podgorica Montenegro. Hotel Podgorica represents an avant-garde architectural work in its entirety. Its significance for the architecture of Montenegro has not yet been transcended although half a century has passed since its construction. Situated on the bank of Morača River, the hotel was built in 1967 and is known as a unique architectural work of this renowned architect, for which she won a national award for architecture with a special accent on fitting into a current natural ambient. The subject location is a very sensitive site in terms of natural factors and historical heritage. On the one hand, there is a pristine landscape of the Moraca river and its specific, steep riverbed, and on the other – the remnants of the oldest settlement of Podgorica – the Nemanja’s Town. Nevertheless, a young architect Svetlana Kana Radevic managed to materialize the concept, so well blended into nature, that i
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