*The video has been edited, unpublished scientific data have cut from the video.
QNS Colloquium Series:
Andrea Morello (Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, UNSW Sydney, Australia)
Quantum information and quantum foundations with spins in silicon
Dopant atoms in silicon are a versatile platform for experiments in quantum information processing, as well as quantum foundations. The electron [1] and nuclear [2] spin of a 31P donor were the first qubit demonstrated in silicon, and went on to beco
...me among of the most coherent qubits in the solid state, with coherence times exceeding 30 seconds [3], and quantum gate fidelities approaching % [4].
In this talk, I will present the state of the art and future directions for donor spins in silicon. For quantum information, the current focus is on two-qubit operations. An embryonic demonstrationShow more