Andrea Morello - Quantum information and quantum foundations with spins in silicon

*The video has been edited, unpublished scientific data have cut from the video. QNS Colloquium Series: Speaker: Andrea Morello (Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, UNSW Sydney, Australia) Talk: Quantum information and quantum foundations with spins in silicon Dopant atoms in silicon are a versatile platform for experiments in quantum information processing, as well as quantum foundations. The electron [1] and nuclear [2] spin of a 31P donor were the first qubit demonstrated in silicon, and went on to among of the most coherent qubits in the solid state, with coherence times exceeding 30 seconds [3], and quantum gate fidelities approaching % [4]. In this talk, I will present the state of the art and future directions for donor spins in silicon. For quantum information, the current focus is on two-qubit operations. An embryonic demonstration
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