Re-enactment of Zeebrugge Naval Raid (a BIF production) in Belgium. More parts of this story in ON 374 A and ON 374 C.
Intertitle reads: “The old cruiser “Vindictive“ was taken to Chatham and fitted up to carry a large number of men to storm the mole“.
Chatham, Kent.
LS cruiser HMS Vindictive in harbour. She is being fitted with many guns and packed full of marines for an attack on German forces in Zeebrugge.
Intertitle reads: “Her upper works were heavily padded as a protection against machine gun fire“.
Cataloguers’ note: military re-enactment from World war one. Royal Navy’s
... raid on Zeebrugge was attempt to seal up the Bruges Canal to prevent its use by the German Navy. They brought in old cruisers filled with cement and sunk them in the harbour while at the same time creating distractions. Although this wasn’t completely successful - the canal was not entirely blocked - it was one of the most daring of the war and gave a boost to British morale.