1981-03-21 e2: even in the hand (Birthday puja, Sydney)
...Even in the hand you see, this portion is Australia. Now let’s see, this portion is the source for all things in the connected [Unclear]. It doesn’t say anything. For example, this finger means something, this thumb means something, this finger means something, this means. But this doesn’t say anything, doesn’t do anything. But without this, nothing exists if it is not out here. You are paralyzed. All the movement up here [Unclear]. This is the connecting link with this power and the guiding link. This only tells which finger to move, where to [Unclear] how to [Unclear] which person, all those things. Controlling [Unclear]...
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11 months ago 00:01:13 1
1981-03-21 e2: even in the hand (Birthday puja, Sydney)
12 months ago 03:05:53 2
Большой сборник песен на стихи Николая Добронравова. Шлягеры советской эстрады