賣20多元的鴨屎香檸檬茶,自己花5元就能搞定!Make Ya Shi Xiang Lemon Tea at Home With a Budget of 5 Yuan

最近氣溫越來越高,檸檬茶的熱度也跟著水漲船高。臺臺聽說廈門、廣州、北京好幾家檸檬茶專賣店每天供不應求,火爆到甚至停了外賣,在線點單都要等個把小時。但其實穩坐茶飲店菜單C位的檸檬茶成本很低,步驟還簡單,臺臺今天就教大家兩款檸檬茶做法,一款經典,一款創新,只需5元就能自己在家輕松搞定! As it’s getting warmer and warmer, lemon tea is growing increasingly popular. We heard that a bunch of lemon tea shops in Xiamen, Guangzhou and Beijing are at capacity that they even have to stop their delivery service, and online order waiting time averages about 1 hour. In fact, lemon tea, the best seller in tea shops, is very easy to make at a low cost. Today Foodvideo will show you how to make two kinds of lemon tea, a classic one and a creative one. You can recreate it at home with 5 yuan.
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