[Trailer] 破戒 ( Broken Oath )

Broken Oath 破戒 1977 導演: 鄭昌和 領銜主演: 茅瑛, 陳惠敏, 梁小龍 特別客串: 關山 劉大雄(關山 飾)被陰謀叛國的仇魁(張佩山 飾)滅口,妻子綺梅則被判終身流放狼牙島,並於獄中難產而死。轉眼廿餘年,綺梅的女兒潔蓮(茅瑛 飾)練成華山劍及佛門拳法,往找乾娘千手娘(王萊 飾),得知自己的身世,決心報仇,其間屢獲仇人相救。潔蓮最後是否能手刃仇人... Director: CHUNG CHANG WHA Starring: ANGELA MAO, MICHAEL CHAN, BRUCE LIANG Special Starring: KWAN SHAN General Liu (Kwan Shan) was framed and killed by usurper Tsou. The general’s wife was exiled and died in prison when she gave birth to her daughter, Elaine (Angela Mao). Some 20 years have gone by and Elaine has excelled in kung fu. After she learned of her parents’ fate, she vowed to take revenge... © 2010 Fortune STAR Media Limited. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.
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