Davis-Monthan Air Force Base tour | Part 1 of 3

PART ONE | This series of three videos will take you around the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson Arizona, which is the world larges Aircraft Boneyard. The Davis–Monthan Air Force Base, aka DM AFB, is a US Military Air Force Base which also serves as an aircraft boneyard for all excess military and U.S. government aircraft and aerospace vehicles. Thousands of Military Aircraft are stored at DM AFB at any given time. New aircraft are added, or stored aircraft are reactivated, on a daily base. Many of these former military aircraft will never fly again and scrapped on site. The video was taken on October 9th, 2018 | 🛑Subscribe here ➤ • Part ONE: • Part TWO: • Part THREE: Viewers like YOU make these videos possible. Become a Patron and support my channel: ✔️ VAV on Social Media: ⭕️ FACEBOOK: ⭕️ TWITTER: http://bi
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