Mongols MC & Sabaton - Great War - the voice of the Konrad Zarek guitar for real bikers

Легендарный мото-клуб Mongols MC и брутальная рок-группа Sabaton… по-моему неплохое сочетание. Да, и на мой взгляд, дополнение к оригиналу гитары Конрада Зарека, только добавило сюжету «тяжести». Konrad Zarek, thank you so much, you did a good job! Legendary motorcycle club Mongols MC and brutal rock band Sabaton... in my opinion a good combination. Epic audio track for moto tours. Sound: Sabaton - Great War - Guitar Cover by Konrad Zarek (Overture - The HU - upgrade) Video: Mongols Motorcycle Club I don’t know how long this clip will be on YouTube, but... If you like this clip, come and be sure to subscribe to the channels: Sabaton Mongols Motorcycle Club The HU Kondzik (Konrad Zarek)
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