Cybernaut Club Finally Meets Brian Smith

Brian Smith is a brilliant man with a fascinating past, in his lifetime he has been a Navy man, a Police Officer, a Detective, a Prison Investigator, a Magistrate and a youth court Judge. Join me for this epic story of one man’s life from one perspective. The story of a man from his birth to retirement. There are a lot of funny stories along the way and this is truly an epic journey to go on. Enjoy! Ode To The Indispensable Man When sometimes you’re feeling important. When sometimes your ego’s in bloom. Sometimes when you take for granted you’re the qualified one in the room. Sometimes when you feel that your going will leave an unfillable hole. Just follow these simple instructions and see how it humbles your sole. Take a bucket and fill it with water. Put your hand in it up to your wrist. Pull it out and the hole that’s remaining is a measure of how you’ll be missed. You may splash all you please as you enter. You may stir up the water galore.
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