Join Gigi Young Monday, September 5th @ 2PM EDT for a live lecture on the presence of Lucifer, Ahriman and Christ! View & download the PDF lecture guide here:
The dynamics of Lucifer, Ahriman and Christ were first introduced by Dr. Rudolf Steiner the father of the Anthroposophical Movement, Waldorf Education and Biodynamic Agriculture. Through the understanding of these figures we are given a new lens in which we can understand not only the spiritual impulses behind current events, but also how these impulses are working within ourselves and contributing to the world around us. Questions will be taken live from the audience at the end.
0:00 Intro
2:55 Who is Rudolf Steiner?
7:40 Who is Lucifer?
14:52 How do we recognize Lucifer in ourselves and the world?
54:18 Who is Ahriman?
1:02:17 How do we recognize Ahriman in ourselves and the world?
1:29:00 Who is Christ?
1:30:00 How do we recognize Christ in ourselves and the world?
1:49:40 How to create balance
1:57:47 How does the devil fit into this?
2:00:14 How do we end contracts with the devil?
2:03:23 The human angelic hierarchy and our organic cosmos
2:09:24 Is Steiner incarnated now?
2:09:42 Is Detachment from possessions and personal history Luciferian?
2:12:33 Is Artificial intelligence evil or neutral?
2:16:23 Is Christ Consciousness like Yin/Yang and Qi?
2:18:29 Is Lucifer only in the Christian Tradition?
2:21:23 Is Luciferianism Hedonism?
2:22:50 How does archangel Michael fight Ahriman?
2:24:05 How does Lucifer benefit from his actions
2:26:14 Lucifer & Ahriman as a more detailed view of evil
2:28:50 Is Psychosis the result of Lucifer? Atheism & being a vessel.
2:32:02 Is following your bliss Luciferian?
2:40:05 Why are there opposing forces?
2:42:32 Does Ahriman gain energy from lower beings
2:45:57 What is your definition of a demon?
2:47:31 The 8th sphere
2:54:59 How does Ahriman influence UFO’s and Alien? Atlantis. Breakaway Civilizations.
3:05:49 Hierarchies
3:08:14 Modern Narcissism.
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