[HP2] Unfinished Custom Map: A Sneak Adventure

To clarify: Nighttime Wandering is not cancelled. I stopped working on this version of the map, because I wasn’t satisfied with it overall. I have since restarted map development. At least with the current (and definitely, 100%, totally final) version, I’m around 35% done. I guess if enough people want this, I can put up a download link. I won’t be fixing the input menu to bind all of the commands or update the wizard cracker icon (among other things) until I release Nighttime Wandering, but it would be playable at the very least. This was originally the second part of the Nighttime Wandering series. I still have parts 1 and 3, but they’re not that interesting. Maybe once I actually finish the map series, I’ll make a video showing the (practically) 5 year history of how the map got to where it is.
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