Music by : @cyberwalkerofficial check it out
This is the song “Kyle Reese“ Cyberwalker Rework from Future Waves vol 2 (released Nov 2022) and included from Distorted Visions remixes album.
Visual footage is edited by myself and mixing in and out the sounds of lasers to give better feel for the music video, I have done it with simple editing program to show the Kyle Reese remembering Sarah Connor and his time in Battle with a mix of the first Terminator movie (1984 directed by James Cameron), and a few shots from the sequel Terminator 2 Judgement Day to show the future wars with the cyborgs.( 1991 directed by James Cameron)
1 view
10 months ago 00:05:29 1
Terminator cyberwalker battle scene video
1 year ago 00:12:56 24
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