Angampora traditional display - Ангампора традиционное боевое искусство Шри-Ланки
Mahamoona Our Angampora tradition was started from the Yakka ancestry of the Great Warrior called Katharagama Manasen Born before 30000 years in this country. There were several traditional martial art families in Ancient Sri Lanka and the truth about current time is that most of those families are obsolete. From those ancient traditions, our ancestry was recognized as “Korathota Arachchi Tradition“. We were a strong Angampora tribe who lived surrounding Korathota Village in Kaduwela. The name Korathota derived from the term “Kelithota“ which means “Fighting Place“ later on changed to “Korathota“. This place was a stronghold of King Ravana at Rama Ravana Battle and later on, at the time of King Walagamba, a war trading center and at the time of King Seethawaka Rajasinghe (Prince Tikiri), his main Angam Fighting Center. Our forefathers were lucky to fight and conquer the famous Mulleriya Battle. Even today we live in the same area which is called Hewagam Koralaya. To cel
3 years ago 00:00:32 6
Angampora traditional display - Ангампора традиционное боевое искусство Шри-Ланки
4 years ago 00:04:29 2
Angampora - අංගම්පොර | Sri Lankan Traditional Martial Art
5 years ago 00:05:44 1
The hidden story behind Angampora | Angampora Martial Art.|Art of war in ceylon..