Scientific Notation on Calculator

Numbers can sometimes be too large or too small to be expressed normally. If you’re working on a problem involving the weight of the earth or the size of an atom, writing down or entering several zeroes in a calculator is inconvenient at best. Writing scientific notation is one of the easiest ways of expressing extremely large and infinitesimally small numbers. For instance, you can express as 2.7 x 10-9. You can enter a scientific notation on scientific calculators. Every scientific calculator is also capable of outputting scientific notations per the rules of significant figures. Here’s a short guide on how to do scientific notation on scientific calculators. #scientificNotation #biology #computationalBiology #crashCourse #KhanAcademy #ShomusBiology #iBiology #MITOpenCourseWare #amoebaSisters #Osmosis #BozemanScience #OrganicChemistryTutor #engineeringNotation #scientificNotationExplained #engineeringNotationExplained #engineeringNotationVsScientificNotation #engineeringNotationRules #engineeringNotationExamples #multiplyingScientificNotation #scientificNotationToStandardForm #scientificNotationClass8
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