Worshippers return to destroyed Gaza mosque as Ramadan begins

The Al-Huda Mosque in Rafah may not be standing, but the people are. The beginning of Ramadan saw worshippers return to what’s left of the mosque after it was reportedly bombed by the Israeli Air Force last month. Worshippers could be seen praying in and around the rubble of the Al-Huda Mosque’s main prayer hall – tired, battered, but no less lacking in faith at a time that faith is needed more than ever. ‘I can compare the previous holy month of Ramadan and the current Ramadan, previous Ramadan came with delight, joy, and love. The current Ramadan is very sad, children have no chance to be happy, and elders are tired and sad for martyrs,’ Nabil Abu Ghali, one of the worshippers, said. Another worshipper had a simple prayer to offer: ‘We ask God to remove this crisis.’
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