Битва рабочих столов 21 - На русском языке
BP-4L 1500 mAh battery
Talk time (maximum):
- GSM up to 8 h
- WCDMA up to 6 h
Standby time (maximum):
- GSM up to 23 days (552h)
- WCDMA up to 29 days (696h)
Music playback time (maximum):
- Music Player up to 18 h
- FM radio up to 30 h
Environmental features
Energy efficiency: Power Save mode, ambient light sensor, unplug charger reminder, High Efficiency Charger AC-10
Eco content and services: eco content and personalization, eco tips in tutorial, maps for route optimization and pedestrian navigation
Materials: free of PVC, free of nickel on the product surface and free of brominated & chlorinated compounds, antimony trioxide as defined in Nokia Substance List
Recycling: device is up to 80 % recyclable
Packaging: 100 % recyclable
User manual: eco tips on Green Page
Communication and navigation
Operating frequency
Quad-band GSM 850/90
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