Stormbind Could Dominate Invitation Farming on Leaguestart

Stormbind may be niche and relatively unloved but even with that the skill really is quite the damage power house. Ultimately patch notes/new skills/balance changes will largely effect what I want to play next league start. that being said I am prepping some possible options for an optimal league start and this stormbind character can crush the invitation farming strategies getting such a massive power spike on acquiring an indigon which is relatively out of the meta and becomes cheap and affordable quite quickly even being initially gated behind an uber elder drop table. The price of which could be in turmoil if we get some nice mana buffs in which case would make the build stronger. Looking forward to exilecon and the next league reveal we will have a much better idea of what is possible for next league start. Character Profile for manual checking character MANDATORY for POB:
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