Pachani Kapuram Songs - Koththagaa Maththugaa
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Movie: Pachani Kapuram
Cast: Krishna, Sridevi,
Director: T Rama Rao,
Producer: Midde Rama Rao,
Release Date: Sep 07, 1985.
Movie Plot:
Krishna helps a drunken girl being harrassed by group of people in a car at night. They become lovers after a series of incidents .They marry each gets separeated after they have a child. Her parents get her seperated from her husband and tells that her child died. He raises his child. She dont know that her child survived and lives with a doll thinking about her child. Did she get together with her son and her husband is the next part of the movie.
Koththagaa Maththugaa
Mukku Meedha
Naa Prema Raagam
Vennelainaa Cheekatainaa
Vennelainaa Cheekatainaa1
Vennelainaa Cheekatainaa2
Full Movie: