Corydoras geoffroy in nature, habitat of a rare Corydoras in Suriname
Corydoras geoffroy is one of the most impressive and beautiful Corydoras, but also difficult to maintain in an aquarium, check out the natural habitat of Corydoras geoffroy in northeastern Suriname.
00:00 Introduction, Corydoras geoffroy
00:32 habitat of Corydoras geoffroy in nature
01:02 threats to the habitat
01:19 description of the habitat of Corydoras geoffroy in nature
01:43 habitat threatened by gold mining
02:07 habitat of Corydoras geoffroy in nature water conditions
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04:20 Corydoras geoffroy in nature
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1 view
7 months ago 00:07:06 1
Corydoras all the new names! Aspidoras, Scleromystax, Hoplisoma, Brochis, Gastrodermus, Osteogaster
7 months ago 00:06:35 1
Corydoras geoffroy in nature, habitat of a rare Corydoras in Suriname
5 years ago 00:01:05 9
BIOTOP - Corydoras geoffroy,
6 years ago 00:00:33 11
Corydoras geoffroy im natürlichen Lebensraum / in their natural habitat