Ravenloft II: The Failed Follow Up | D&D Walkthroughs
In our followup to our Ravenloft review, we talk about the forgotten sequel to the original module. While this adventure does have many strengths, its not too surprising why the modern Ravenloft lore mostly ignores this one.
Modules: Ravenloft II, Realms of Terror, Domains of Dread, House of Strahd, Curse of Strahd, (Wizards of the Coast)
Main Clips: Neverwinter: Ravenloft (Cryptic Studios), Order 1886 (Sony) , Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles (Konami), Haunted Mansion Game (Disney), Van Hellsing (Activision)
Music: Bram Stoker Dracula Sega CD
Images: Night of the Living Dead, London After Midnight, Tomb of Dracula by Marvel Comics, Spidey Super Stories, Various Public Domain Comics (), The Onion News Network, Monkey Island 2, Colin Smith Groundskeeper Willy, World of Warcraft, Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within, Kingom Hearts, LEGO The Incredibles, Yu-Gi-Oh
Vampire Game Clips: Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft (IntroGameOver) Castlevania (
1 view
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