AQAXA – Xennial Sehnsucht

▪️◾️◼️ ◼️◾️▪️ Debut release ▲Corporeal EP▲ out now Punch Up Records. *I was travelling constantly, I guess I was trying to fix something. During that period, I experienced difficulty sleeping, focussing, and I also had troubles with my short term memory. My partner at the time would tell me about things we had done just a few days earlier, and I would find myself in the embarrassing situation of remembering nearly nothing of what she was talking about. Sometimes I even pretended I actually remembered, just to feel less awkward.* *You’re not still recording, are you?* AQAXA weaves audio messages and voice memos recorded over the years into an enveloping, warm, and pulsating kind of electronic music. The exploration of this personal archive is guided by machine learning algorithms, with which AQAXA performs, building new narratives from ephemeral digital remnants of it
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