Unthinkable: Hamas Infiltration Turns Rave into Mayhem

Terrorists paraglide into Israel, video on social media. Terrorists fly over rave party, the #Supernova Sukkot Gathering, partygoers unaware of attack. The partygoers were looking at the landing terrorists. Partygoers remained oblivious to Hamas militants landing and partied on. Palestinians entered the rave party, killing innocent partygoers. They took hostages, planning a swap for their prisoners in Israel. #breakingnews #latestnews #israel #gaza #gazaunderattack #missilelaunch #netanyahu #israelpm #indiastandwithisrael #southisrael #israelembassy #naorgilon #Gazastrip #Re’im About us: The Free Press Journal is one of the oldest English Daily newspapers from Mumbai with a rich heritage of over 90 years. FPJ stands for quality journalism and objective and unbiased opinions on the issues that impact our daily lives. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on Google News for #BreakingNews and #LatestNews Updates: Free Press Journal:
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