Braemar Gathering (1955)

Braemar, Scotland. GV. Braemar Games arena with pipe bands marching round. GV. Crowds watching. GV. Royal cars with Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Anne and Prince Charles arriving. SV. Queen being greeted by Lord Aberdeen, followed by Princess Anne and Prince Charles. Princess Anne and Prince Charles visit the traditional annual Highland Gathering for the first time. SCU. Queen and children being greeted. SV. Three Scottish men in traditional dress heaving up caber into position. CU. Elderly Scottish man watching. LV. Mr H. Grey of Alford tossing caber. He start to toss and over it goes. SCU. H. Grey, the winner. SV. Mr E. Cameron of Lochearnhead about to put the heavy stone. LV. Cameron putting the heavy stone. Pan down to stone landing on ground. LV. Cumberland style wrestling. One man falls first and the other falls landing on top of him. SV. Royal party watching. Princess Anne tugs Queen’s coat to ask a question. SV. Highland dancing. CU. Piper. LV. Two men dancing. (Neg.) (Title Scene “F“) FILM ID:
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