Ramallah Lynch - Today 20 Years Ago (Thursday, October 12, 2000)

Today we mark 20 years to the brutal Ramallah lynching. On the morning of Thursday, October 12, 2000, two weeks after the outbreak of the second intifada, reservists Yossi Avrahami and Vadim Norzhich made their way towards their unit’s assembly point near Beit El. The two were unfamiliar with the roads in the area and accidentally headed straight into the Ramallah. The yellow Israeli license plate indicated they were not locals, and within minutes, they became targets. Palestinian mob surrounded the car and started rocking it violently, as others threw blocks at the passengers. Two Palestinian policemen who arrived at the scene pulled the two men out of the vehicle, pointing guns to their heads, and dragged them to the Ramallah police station for interrogation. An agitated crowd began gathering outside the station, screaming at the policemen inside, demanding they kill the two Israelis. Avrahami and Norzhich begged for their lives, but they didn’t stand a chance. After brutally
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