BREXIT, Geopolitical operation of the City Valerie Bugault ENGLISH

I think the idea of Brexit was initiated by the City, by the City banks. You know that Nigel Farrage who was the promoter of the Brexit, he made his whole career with his wife also in the City. So I think that in reality it is a geopolitical operation of the City to emancipate itself from the domination of the American dollar. And to emancipate Europe, well to get out of the European straitjacket which was under American domination until now, and to undertake great maneuvers in order to initiate a world currency which is not at the same time a national currency because it is a double function which does not work in fact. A national currency cannot function as a world currency, because this entails opposing constraints that make the two not compatible, opposing economic constraints. So in reality, this pressure that the dollar put on the world and on the world economy made the City want to follow another path and in particular to follow the path that Keynes had initiated with the Bancor in 1944, even though he
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