1985-09-21 e2: English language is a specially honored language (Sheffield, UK)
...And that then works out in our languages also.
Now English language is a specially honored language now because it is the language of the Sahaja Yoga as well. Of course we use Hindi, Marathi and then English. But English is the language in which My speeches are, so it should be honored. We must have a sense of honor that comes by respecting. When you respect yourself, you respect others. If you do not respect yourself, you cannot respect others. And that’s what I’ve discovered that when people took to anti-culture and all sorts of things the first thing they did was not to respect anything whatsoever.
And yesterday only I discovered that the language which is spoilt has come through this: is fashionable to speak with a funny accent, and I was copying that the Americans speak like duck -- quack, quack, quack. But the English speak like a crow -- caw, caw, caw -- and we have real English language problem. Just now Nick’s wife told Me that she can’t understand what English speak. I said, “Same here, I don’t understand either. It’s a language problem.
One gentleman who came from India, very well educated gentleman, did his MA in English, he came back and he said, “I had a language problem there.
I said, “Why?
He said, “They speak all kinds, they divert it every way and educated people talk like that.
And was surprised that it has also come from anti-culture, is a fashion to speak like that. And I can’t follow. That means it is anti-God...
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12 months ago 03:05:53 2
Большой сборник песен на стихи Николая Добронравова. Шлягеры советской эстрады
1 year ago 00:02:21 1
1985-09-21 e2: English language is a specially honored language (Sheffield, UK)