So this is 2nd highest vote from previous post, BLOOM BLOOM NAHIDA !
Ever wonder how nahida join barbara bloom team?? It’s insane, even much better than collei dendro traveller, almost unlimited dendro core production, can’t imagine how good nilou with nahida team x.x
Timestamp ⏰
00:00 minna, GANBATTE NEEEEE !!!
00:05 Gameplay
00:37 Collei build
00:40 Kazuha build
00:43 Barbara build
00:46 Nahida build
BGM credits to Retronyx 🎵
How to make character card 🃏
Go to , put your UID there and it will automatically generate all character in your i
...ngame profile
❗❗ I don’t claim this web is safe or not since it’s not official website from hoyoverse, but I’ve used it many times and never have any problem with my account, use it at your own risk ❗❗
Enjoy the video~Show more