TL;DR - Grown Up Babies: A Symptom of a Problem

Adult acting like babies/children are a symptom of a much deeper social problem. While sexual and fetish aspects to people’s lives aren’t inherently a problem. Looking at their causes and the frequencies with which they manifest in wider society can be very illuminating on social trends. This is but the latest in the downward spiral of society that the regressive leftist will not stop to think about, instead preferring the “You must accept this and never speak out against it or you’re a bigot!“ line of thinking. EDIT: To the “hurrdurr as long as they’re not hurting anyone so it’s fine“ people. I say to you: Let’s all quit our jobs and take heroin all day. We won’t be hurting anyone else, so it’s fine. If you can understand why that’s bad advice you now understand why being mindful of people’s behaviour in a wider context matters. People’s behaviour is influence by environment, people’s behaviour influences environment. To state that people’s behaviour doesn’t matter and isn’t a sign of anything and t
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